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Research specialization seminar (Colloquium)

Research specialization seminar (Colloquium)

In the Research Seminar (9 ECTS) of the MA programme, members of the scientific community, MA students and doctoral candidates present their research in the field of German and comparative literature, cultural studies, theoretical and applied linguistics, teaching methodology and related research fields. The lectures are open to the public.

Vasiliki Koukoulioti and Maria Economou are responsible for the organization of the Research Seminar events during the academic year 2023-2024. Anyone wishing to be informed about the events of the Research Seminar electronically or to participate with the presentation of his/her research can contact the above-mentioned members of the teaching staff.

The lectures of the Research Seminar take place in room 109 at 18:30-20:30 on the first floor of the New Building of the Faculty of Philosophy and are held in person.
